Privacy policy

Please read this privacy statement to ensure that we are committed to keeping secure the privacy of our members details. What information do we collect? To be able to use Adult Chat Finder Ltd Services, we may require from you some information that may be considered as personally identifiable. Details such as your email, age, and any other submitted information such as your image, messages, interest relationships, chat data, is stored on our servers. This information is stored to help improve the quality of our Services and limit any damage caused by misuse as well as to improve the quality of our Services and help with profile moderation.

How to delete your account at Adult Chat Finder Ltd
At any time after logging in the application you can go to options/delete my account and you will be able to delete your account and removing your profile includindg all the information and all the data including text, photos, email address, chat history etc.

Data security
Adult Chat Finder Ltd cannot be held reliable for loss of your personal data, and is not responsible for backing up any of your personal data including text/images or other. Adult Chat Finder Ltd makes no claim that your account data is stored securely, and should data or personal information be leaked either through a user problems or server problems Adult Chat Finder Ltd cannot be held responsible.

Acceptance of agreements
By reading this you agree to our Privacy Statement. If you do not agree to our terms and conditions you may not use Adult Chat Finder Ltd Services We may update our Privacy Statement from time to time so please visit this page regularly.